Bangkok to Udon Thani Train
Train from Bangkok to Udon Thani is another popular train route in Thailand. This is because Udon Thani is one of the four major cities in Isaan region. Although one can reach Udon Thani by flight and bus, locals and tourists prefer to take Bangkok to Udon Thani train. The train ticket price is cheaper than flight ticket and the drop off point is more convenient since it is located in the city center. On the other hand, train offers better comfort especially when you choose 1st Class or 2nd Class Sleeper train as compared to when you travel by bus.

Train Schedule, Train Ticket Type & Train Ticket Price

There is a limited daily train trip from Bangkok to Udon Thani, so it is highly recommended to book your train tickets online in advance if you want to travel comfortably. Ticket price for train from Bangkok to Udon Thani depends on the type of train and the type of ticket that you choose.

Below is a schedule of the train tickets from Bangkok to Udon Thani that are available for booking online at

Time Train No Train Type Ticket Type Price (THB)
Est. Arrival: 17:07
75 Express 2nd Class AC Seat 509
3rd Class Fan Seat 275</
Est. Arrival: 3:30
77 Express 2nd Class AC Seat 509
3rd Class Fan Seat 275
Est. Arrival: 5:53
25 Special Express 1st Class AC Sleeper 1,547
2nd Class AC Sleeper 1,009

* Time and fares might change depending on the season, subject to the operator
** AC = Air-conditioned


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Reminder: You must print out the E-Ticket sent to your email. Without the printed ticket, you might not be able to board the train. Tickets shown from the phone or tablet might not be valid.

Trip Distance & Duration

The distance between Bangkok and Udon Thani is about 569 km along the Northeastern route. The fastest train from Bangkok to Udon Thani is train #75. It takes about 8 hours and 47 minutes to get there. Meanwhile train #77 takes around 8 hours 55 minutes.

The train #25 takes the longest time with estimated duration about 9 hours and 53 minutes. However, train #25 is a sleeper train and the train is expected to reach Udon Thani at 5.53 AM the next day. This is very convenient for passengers traveling on air-conditioned sleeper train, which is the most popular option among passengers traveling from Bangkok to Udon Thani.

Departure Point – Hua Lamphong Train Station

Hua Lamphong Railway Station is the main railway station in Bangkok. The train station is probably the busiest railway station in Thailand, with thousands of passengers travelling by train daily. In fact, Hua Lamphong Railway Station in Bangkok connects the train from all the other parts of Thailand.

Getting to Hua Lamphong Train Station is easy. There are many local transportation options available to connect passengers with the other parts of Bangkok, such as MRT, BTS Skytrain, local buses, taxis and tuk tuk. For more detailed explanation, please visit our guide for Bangkok Hua Lamphong Train Station.

Arrival Point – Udon Thani Train Station

The location of Udon Thani Train Station is in the city center of Udon Thani, at the end of Prajak Sillapakom road on the east. It is located nearby two large night markets called Preecha Night Market and Centrepoint Night Market. The train station serves daily trains to destinations such as Bangkok, Nong Khai, Khon Kaen, Nakhon Ratchasima, Saraburi and Ayutthaya.


There are toilets on board for the convenience of the passengers especially since the journey will take hours before the train reaches its destination. You can also buy food on the train. The price is around 100 THB for breakfast and 200 THB for dinner. Or else, you can always buy food at Hua Lamphong Train Station before you board the train. For sleeper train, the staffs will provide each passenger with a new clean pillow and blanket.


Book your SRT train tickets from Bangkok to Udon Thani online at There are limited train trip from Bangkok to Udon Thani so the tickets can be sold out pretty fast especially during festive seasons. So, secure your tickets before your departure date. Sleeper trains are very popular especially the 2nd Class Air-Conditioned Sleeper type. So, plan your trips and book your train tickets in advance online today!

Book SRT Train Tickets from Bangkok to Udon Thani Online Now!